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Gospel in Real Life is an exegetical Bible teaching and equipping blog and podcast with a two-fold mission: 1. Transform the global culture with the truth of the gospel. 2. Equip the people of God with the word of God to perform the good work of God. Since October 1, 2020, GRL has been downloaded in over 84 coutries around the planet.

Nov 11, 2021

Romans 8:28. Paul says, “We know.” Christians possess knowledge that pain has a divine purpose. Suffering is used to conform Christians into the image of Jesus Christ. Three well-known examples of suffering in Scripture are Joseph, Job, and Peter. Joseph was mistreated by his brothers. Job was misunderstood by his friends. Peter was mystified by his own behavior. All three suffered. Yet, all three were used by powerfully by God. For the believer in Christ, pain has a purpose and is used wonderfully by God to conform Christians into the image of Jesus Christ.


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