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Gospel in Real Life is an exegetical Bible teaching and equipping blog and podcast with a two-fold mission: 1. Transform the global culture with the truth of the gospel. 2. Equip the people of God with the word of God to perform the good work of God. Since October 1, 2020, GRL has been downloaded in over 84 coutries around the planet.

Aug 19, 2021

Romans 7:1-6 (Part 2). Gospel in Real Life exists to transform the culture of the human heart one Bible lesson at a time.

The Law is a bad marriage partner. The Groom, (Jesus) offers a new second marriage to sinners to become his bride (the church, the redeemed). In this lesson, we will take a joyful look at what...

Aug 9, 2021

Romans 7:1-6. “The Law.” Did you know that prior to salvation you were married to the Law? That marriage is completely an unhappy union. And you can’t divorce the Law. What can you do? You must die to the Law and receive new life in Christ. Dr. Michael Wright explains this truth about the law of death in this...